Name: ___________________________ pr # ____ Date__________________  Miracle of Life Video

  1. Tales                                                                                        100 Million
  2. Cilia                                                                                         5 Inches
  3. Nucleus                                                                                    250 million
  4. Fallopian Tubes                                                                        2-300 million
  5. Estrogen/Hormones                                                                  400 billion
  6. Testosterone                                                                             20%
  7. Pollution                                                                                   20-48 hours
  8. Enviornment                                                                             ½ teaspoon
  9. Temperature                                                                             1-2 days
  10. Human Hair                                                                              50
  11. Cell                                                                                          One
  12. Grain of Sand                                                                           23
  13. Dividing                                                                                    15 – 20 Feet
  14. Zygote                                                                                      24 hours
  15. Blastocyst                                                                                 10 days
  16. Original egg                                                                              14 weeks
  17. Ovulation                                                                                  2 weeks
  18. Umbilical Cord                                                                         3 inches
  19. Birth Defects                                                                            4 weeks
  20. Breathes Amniotic Fluid                                                            6 weeks

                                                                                                      10 Weeks

                                                                                                      2 inches

                                                                                                      ½ inch

                                                                                                      7 weeks          

                                                                                                      9 months